While weather experts NOAA are predicting a “near-normal” 2012 Atlantic hurricane season, last year’s Hurricane Irene is a reminder of the erratic and devastating nature of tropical storms. Now is a good time to put a disaster preparedness plan in place to protect your employees and your business. Read More
You want to create content, not spend time worrying about SEO. It’s difficult and evolves everyday. You don’t have time to keep up.

But it’s incredibly important.

Organic search is one of the best ways for people to find your site, subscribe to your blog and buy your products. And it doesn’t Read More
I grabbed sushi with David just days before he took the stage in front of two hundred hungry software entrepreneurs. What was intended to be a quick meet and greet turned into a 3-hour information lunch.

That’s because over the past fifteen years, David DeRam founded and grew six successful soft Read More
Whether you're a none-coder or a programmer, you can now create sophisticated custom apps easily for your Facebook Page with ShortStack. Find out how with these 10 tips (and don't miss the Giveaway at the end of the post). Read More
Here are 5 reasons why regular and consistent blogging can help you bypass Google’s algorithm updates. Read More
I don’t use my personal Facebook account much for business/self-promotion purposes, mainly because I find it annoying when my friends do it. And I don’t want to be annoying. But I recently found a great way to show people what I’m working on without being annoying. Read More
A meeting is called, but the objective of the meeting is not specified. This leads to wasted time and frustration…think about whether a meeting is the best way to achieve that purpose. Read More
In this interview with John Saddington of TentBlogger.com, we discuss why it is beneficial to have workflows in place - especially in your blogging related tasks.

Check out the video and start defining your workflows now! Read More
This information can be wonderfully helpful to consider when designing and writing messages, but this approach to preheaders can also help your desktop opens too. Sure, we all know about the Outlook preview pane, but webmail clients like Gmail also give readers a chance to preview what’s in their m Read More
About a year ago I wrote a couple of posts on tablet strategy. Those thoughts in many ways are still valid, though I’m always willing to change an opinion if and when new info becomes available. So for this post I thought it would be interesting to see what has changed in the world of… Read More

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