I encounter a variety of people with a variety of reasons who want to buy a franchise. Most often people are motivated by a desire to move away from full time employment toward business ownership. This movement away is usually related to being “down-sized” from their former employ and a desire to Read More
The embattled, (to say the least) Quiznos sub sandwich franchise has had it's share of headaches; class-action lawsuits, and very, very, unhappy franchisees. And, they almost had to declare bankruptcy. See what the new team is doing to save this franchise. Read More
Ray Kroc was quite a man. He "invented" McDonald's, but he did so much more than that. He was a gifted...well, you're going to have to read this post. You may be surprised! Read More
Do you need to engage your readers? Developing the right environment is essential in receiving hundreds of comments. Read More
Want to become a famous author? Follow these steps to learn how to write, how to publish and how to sell your own best-selling eBook. Read More
One of the biggest threats to your internet business is to be considered a spammer. This could be with reason or by just misunderstanding. Internet... Read More
When you offer multiple plans for a service, the cheapest plan’s customers tends to require the most support. Now at first this seems counter-intuitive. You’d expect the opposite: that the people who pay the most feel more entitled to support, and thus ask for more of it. So if the cheapest custome Read More
This blog post is about getting results with commenting by commenting in a smart way, with better efficiency. Read More
For any B2B marketing campaigns to achieve success, it is necessary for a business to follow these five simple tips. Read More
Based on my own experience and feedback from friends, every investor is approached by at least ten entrepreneurs with a “hot idea” for a new business, for every one who has a real “plan” for a new business. That’s why I often say that ideas are worth nothing, until they are put in the context of a Read More

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