What is the point of having a business blog? Well, there are many reasons to have a business blog. It can help boost SEO efforts, fuel a social media strategy, and help a business establish itself as a trusted thought leader in a particular niche. Just getting someone to visit your blog is importan Read More
Ideas aren’t everything when it comes to starting your own company. We’ve heard about plenty of pivots where founders entirely changed what they’re working on. But a great idea certainly makes starting out a lot easier and, after whatever pivot you need to make, you still have to have some concept Read More
Emily tells us how small business owners can use white papers to generate leads and establish expertise. Read More
Starting a business can be harrowing enough although I hope it can be an exciting time for you too. One of the steps you will be considering is how to market your new company and maybe as a start-up you don’t have the funds to do very much. This is where Social Media is great as it is free Read More
Hootsuite is an amazing tool that helps you save time and manage your social media accounts including: Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Read More
Spam doesn't just describe junk e-mails you receive promoting something you don't really care much about. This work can also describe a website, the way it looks and what the webmaster hopes to gain from the site. Read More
After posting a lot of guest posts on this blog recently, there were two main issues that I really had to pay attention to. The first issue was setting standards that would ensure that only quality content was posted. Read More
A look into Pinterest, an online pinboard social media that allows users to post photos, videos, discussions and other images in a pinboard style application. Read More
Today I want to share with you notes I took on a presentation that featured some of the finest concepts mainstream ad agencies have to offer.

These are notes I took FOREVER to take for you from “Art & Copy: Inside Advertising’s Creative Revolution” which is a documentary film directed by Doug Pr Read More
Blogging business or offline business? Find out which one is better. Welcome to the world of blogging. Read More

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