A look behind the scenes at the process of rebranding the software company ClaimVantage, including the logo and web design process. Read More
Google’s Search plus Your World is finally getting some competition. Yesterday, Bing announced plans for its own redesign; one aimed to match or even surpass Google’s recent update. Not surprisingly, Bing is focusing on social search with a slogan of “Spend Less Time Searching, More Time Doing.” Read More
It’s long been the stereotype that women are more “social” than men—in the offline world, they’re typically the ones who plan social events, keep family connections going and love to chat. Apparently, when it comes to the online world, women are even more social, according to a new study by Nielsen Read More
The way you view a new website and read its content is not the same as if you were reading a book or a newspaper. Most people scan websites instead of reading every single word. The good news is that you can utilize this information to your advantage in order to help improve your website’s usabilit Read More
Nellie R. Akalp of Corpnet.com tells me how she enjoys her work life, how to separate it from home life plus how she stays creative and advice on writing blogs Read More
The land was wide, open space, and the possibilities were endless. It was almost daunting, settling and starting brand new. The Homestead Act of 1862 encouraged settlers to start a farm by freely giving them the land. The settlers could have the land provided they did three things: file an applicat Read More
The old practice of lifetime employment has started to fray at the edges…Yet, even while making greater use of flexible staffing, Japanese companies tend to maintain a “core” staff who are the ones destined to be promoted from within. Read More
Creating a buzz around a product so as to encourage the discussion on your product or service to go viral over the web is a social media marketing methodology that can bring immediate success to you. This brings to you the attention that large organizations spend for in millions. The technology tod Read More
Controversy is nothing new in the mommy blogging realm. In fact, mom bloggers have been battling each other over monetization, accepting swag, parenting, and social issues for a long time now. But lately, catty comments, unwarranted snarky remarks in blog posts, and negative updates on social media Read More
Any entrepreneur with a vision can postulate a new business, but it takes a collaboration of many people to make it a success. Today the complexity of forces required for success include multi-disciplinary skills, competencies, and experiences in which the whole is greater than the sum of the parts Read More

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