Of all the strategies and techniques I have used to increase visibility of my personal brand, content curation has been one of the most effective — and most fun to use.

Content curation helps you know and serve your audience better. By filtering the huge amount of information available online an Read More
When you boil it all down, airlines are really selling something pretty simple. They are there to transport people from one place to another. That could be why airlines have always had to rely on customer-service extras to differentiate themselves from competitors.
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You may know exactly what your talent is, or you may not have a clue. You may have one talent or you may be naturally gifted at 10 different things.

Here’s the thing I want to ask you though…

Are you using your talents to grow your business? Read More
After reading Forbe’s article today titled 10 Startups Changing the World And What We Can Learn From Them, I started exploring their #9 startup called DocStoc.com. This site offers documents both free and through their monthly payment plan. I discovered one document in particular and thought I’d sh Read More
I just released my latest ebook, How to Manage Multiple Blogs Without Going Crazy. It costs a whopping $2.99 and for that you get the book in audio (MP3), PDF, and Kindle formats. Read More
There's been a flurry of recent coverage praising Sheryl Sandberg, the chief operating officer of Facebook, for leaving the office every day at 5:30 p.m. to be with her kids.  Apparently she's been doing this for years, but only recently "came out of the closet," as it were. Read More
Interview with Scott Kalbach, CEO of AvantLink on a new affiliate marketing analytics ("click stream intelligence") tool, AvantMetrics. Read More
Starting an online store has become really easy and inexpensive, thanks to the best free opensource ecommerce platforms available. Just like in blogging, where free opensource platform WordPress rules the roost, it is the free ecommerce platforms that are the best option for ecommerce entrepreneurs Read More
From encrypting files to beefing up passwords, consider these steps for better protecting sensitive company data.Get the latest blog articles on business... Read More
SMART goal setting allows you to understand what you want to achieve and how you will get there. It ensures that you are focused on the right target and you are both efficient and effective. Read More

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