Recently, one of our readers requested more information on starting a non-profit. A big part of properly setting up a non-profit organization is the paperwork.

Although the task is not terribly difficult, the paperwork can seem intimidating. Here are some resources and short-cuts: Read More
Klout, in my opinion, makes it hard to figure out how to give out a +K. Say you were recently influenced my Mashable's Samantha Murphy and wanted to give her a +K. This article tells you how! Read More
The following infographic depicts findings from a recent survey showcasing the most common benefits of using social media. Discover:
1. How important is social media marketing for small businesses
2. What percentage of exposure small businesses gain via social media
3. Which factors produce the Read More
Stuck in a rut? Feel like "one of the crowd?" Here are some tips to shake up your business and get back on the right track. Read More
Right now, we’re seeing an incredible leap in the number of entrepreneurs and small businesses all over the world. The internet makes it possible for a knitter in Estonia to sell her wares through Etsy, a web developer in India to sell his services though Elance and a board game designer in the U.S Read More
If pet copywriters are tying their marketing to the change of the season, you should be thinking about it too. No matter what kind of business you do, here are some strategies and copywriting tips that can help you sell more.
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If you feel desperate with all of the debt that you have, here are a few simple tips that can help you to regain your financial health. Read More
This is a great post to help you accidently avoid getting penalized for having a link farm on your site or blog. Read More
Ninja Affiliate is a WordPress Plugin by MaxBlogPress that lets you to manage all your affiliate links at ease. The plugin allows you to cloak and brand your affiliate links with your own domain name. No more using spammy URL shortners like or which makes a user to think: ” should I cl Read More
Looking for another online marketing arrow to add to your quiver. Viperchill may be the best kept secret around. Learn from the best on how to make money online, grow your blog's subscribers and grow your social network, among other topics. Read More

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