Laura Betterly knows her stuff; she was one of the first to use online technology for marketing. While she jokes that this makes her a dinosaur, in reality it means that she’s been around to see what works, what doesn’t and what businesses need to know.

I recently interviewed Laura and got the s Read More
Aside from the fact that your competitors are probably already using it, you need this service because it’s easier than it’s ever been and draws an untapped market. Read More
Though the media typically focuses on venture capitalist funding as the primary source of start-up cash for entrepreneurs, the truth is that more than half of the tens of billions of dollars raised every year by entrepreneurs comes from donations by family and friends. Read More
From Steve Blank's The Startup Owner's Manual : Common assumptions that are toxic to the success of any new venture. Read More
A digital asset management service and software, that manages information such as audio, video, graphics, images, and documents. All-in-one integrated tool with data conversion, digitizing and storage features. Read More
First off, what exactly is a “roundup” blog post? A roundup blog post is when you take a group of articles/white papers/blogs that you DIDN’T write and do a short little recap about each with links to the original source. Here on the Brick Blog, we publish two roundup blog posts each week—one is re Read More
Getting social media followers is really only the first step when it comes to social media marketing. The real goal is to keep your social media followers happy and engaged long after they initially click the “Follow” or “Like” button. Many brands still aren’t quite sure how to do this well, and en Read More
The article giving a brief description about Search Engine OPtimization (SEO)to help optimize your blog/website and get higher ranking. Read More
Once you have picked a catchy headline and written some great content, there is more that you can do to turn a browser into a reader – Here is part three… Read More
By Caron Beesley. When cash flow is tight and times are times are tough, one of the first areas to cut back on is your marketing budget. But how do you measure the worth of your existing activities and what should you cut? Here are some ideas. Read More

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