When starting a business there are often more questions that answers. Therefore it’s great to have resources on the internet, and other business owners who have already walked the path you are on.

Rather than asking just anyone for business advice, you seek out those you most respect and admire Read More
All too many startups are founded simply on the basis of a new and exciting technology invented by an industrious technologist. This is the origin of the “solution looking for a problem” and “if we build it, they will come” syndromes, which result in surprise and frustration waiting for funding, an Read More
If you wish to operate well in an organisation, one that is made up of many different personalities then you must have the full range of “soft skills”.

Soft skills training concerns a whole range of specific communication skills

1. Handling difficult people
2. Listening skills
3. Asserti Read More
If your company is paying someone to do more than what it recommended by Google, the chances are you are paying them to have your blog or website penalized (maybe not today, but Google will eventually sniff you out). Read More
Even though I love Google+, I have been a little concerned about the social network based on some of the “A-Lister” articles I’ve been reading lately about inflated user numbers and lack of main-stream adoption.
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If you are looking for the right web-based small business apps that will help you achieve your business goals, here is a list of 50 web-based apps for you. Read More
I think that few people would disagree with the claim social media has revolutionised marketing by offering low cost tools which allow you to promote your business, manage your reputation and sometimes even run your business. But that doesn’t mean that it can replace conventional marketing entirely Read More
Your business is flooded by traffic on a daily basis correct? While other companies are on a constant mission to get noticed by using social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, people just visit your site because it’s that incredible, correct? If you answered yes to either of these questions Read More
Parents are, and always have been, a key consumer demographic. Becoming a parent changes everything, from lifestyle to new worries, to saving, to spending. Yet over recent years parenthood has experienced change, impacting how and why it is important to market to them. Read More
There is a lot written about getting people to like you. And I don't mean as a friend, I'm talking about Facebook, the holy grail of marketing that when you get it right you can sit back, relax and count the cash. Of course that isn't the case. Read More

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