How up-to-date is the social media marketing for your small business? Here are the basics to get started on Pinterest. Read More
Social media is an online network which connects people worldwide. So it can be considered as very valuable and cost effective tool for all small business. Social media can connect with the customers and reduces the cost of traditional advertisement and marketing price. It is considered as an easy Read More
Here are 10 Questions you need to answer before engaging your social media audience, sometimes you need quick answers to help you see opportunities and make quick decisions. Read More
In the last week, more and more webmasters alike are posting their complaints in search forums like Webmaster World and Google’s own search discussion areas that their sites are either dropping in ranking or are no longer ranking in Google. These have made people speculating if this was the releas Read More
Press releases is a great way for building quality links and driving organic traffic to your company website. How to write an excellent press release? Read More
Use Twitter as a listening mechanism - not just for broadcasting. Use tools to search tweets for keywords that your target audience would be tweeting. Read More
Everyone tells you to keep in touch with your potential clients. But it's not enough.

To successfully nurture relationships and win clients you need to do more. This articles shows how lessons from gardening can shape a successful approach. Read More
Not sure what a loyalty program is and how it can help your business? Quite simply, it is a process of offering customers incentives and rewards for continuing to shop at your store. Let’s take a look at some great ideas for customer rewards programs that you can use to retain shoppers. Read More
Now more than ever, it is crucial to make sure your customers are satisfied with your store and service. Online customer surveys are a great way to gauge consumers’ attitude toward your store. Lets look at five ways to ensure you get the most from your customer satisfaction surveys. Read More
Everyone must have heard of the latest to join the social networking chariot “Pinterest”. Its popularity is increasing continually. Due to its ability to create awareness among users, engaging the attention of the audience, driving traffic to the site it is capturing the attention of every business Read More

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