Summer 2012 will bring the Olympics to the UK, with several million spectators following closely behind.

“The Olympic Games give the host country exposure on the front page, in the middle pages and on the back pages of every newspaper in every country on Earth over a six-week period.”
Michael Read More
First of all we need to explain exactly what Negative SEO is – it’s using SEO know-how to take down a competitor’s website – namely backlink pointing to bring down sites. This is scary stuff indeed for businesses and webmasters alike. Read More
There are many people who already know about you who may be willing to give you business.

I know you may not feel comfortable asking people you know for help with meeting new clients, but it’s only a question. And you may get a yes, I can help or no I can’t help. But if you don’t ask, you will Read More
When it comes to advertising and marketing your brand, businesses might tend to gravitate first towards a more traditional medium – television ads, magazine or newspaper ads, even banner ads. While these methods are great and do provide a significant return on investment, they are often expensive. Read More
The higher appearance in search engine results is subjected to the parameters set by search engine algorithm. However, till now, no webmaster has been able to find all the true components which the search engines associate with the ranking, and the magnitude of their impact on rankings. Read More
By now, most of the search engine optimization (SEO) specialists and experts worldwide have already heard about the algorithm changes that Google is rolling out. It’s one thing to hear and read about this. It’s also another to actually plan to do something about it. Read More
Create yourself a library for your company’s videos on YouTube. With YouTube having over 4 billion views a day it’s definitely the place to showcase your… Read More
Review of iVend Retail an end-to-end retail management solution that is especially customized for small businesses. Read More
It doesn’t matter what type of freelancer writing, marketing or consulting you are offering, you are doing yourself and your business a disservice by not having a blog of your own. The benefit from having your own blog, whether for personal branding or business exposure is limitless. The start up c Read More
I present a detailed comparison of the features of Thesis and Genesis frameworks from my experience with using both the themes. This review will help you choose between these two frameworks. Read More

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