27will commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Are All Small Business Reviews Created Equal?
"That is also very true. It can also make a difference whether or not the person writing the review uses descriptive language, and their level of writing ability. All that is a lot harder to control than where the reviews accumulate, so focusing on getting the most value out of them based on their location is probably the strongest and most simple move for small businesses. "Smart Entrepreneurs Know Customer Buying Moments
"Great article! It really is true that the first impression that a brand makes is incredibly important in producing conversions. It's also one of the most valuable moments to learn how to make a good impression and take control of branding going forward. "Bad Credit Business Financing: Why the Idea of Free Grants is Still a Problem
"You're very welcome. As a regular on the SBA loans and grants forum, I was saddened to see someone writing about grant scammers on the forum posing as legitimate sources of business financing. It just goes to show you that businesses need to be aware and most importantly be realistic in their expectations. "Subscribe
What Google\'s Pigeon Update Means For Local SEO - 3Bug Media
"Great and informative article! Local SEO is so important for so many small businesses that ignoring it can be the kiss of death. Your recommendations were clear and intuitive for business owners who don't have a strong grasp on SEO mechanics, so I could see this article really helping people who take the time to read and act on it. Good stuff. "