AngelBiz commented on the following stories on BizSugar
5 Ways to Prepare a Business to Sell for a Higher Price
"Chris - Excellent points. Selling a business is a long and arduous journey. Any effort you put to bring the "house in order" will pay off during selling process. In addition to the tips you provided I would also add that you should bring your financial statements in order. This is the first place any potential buyer would go to. You need to have last 3-5 years of financials in order and have explanations for any anomalies. "How To Train Yourself To Delegate In 7 Easy Steps
"Simon - You are so right about the challenges of delegating especially for those who are accustomed to doing everything themselves. The tips you offered are excellent. In my experience I have found that deciding on the tasks that are worth delegating and giving freedom to your employees after you have delegated to them are key to success. Obviously, you cannot expect others to do the tasks exactly the same way as yours, but that is really the point. You don't want them to do that. You want to tap into their creativity and skills which may turn out to be better than your own. "3 Easy Ways To Improve Your Cash Flow
"For small business owners cash flow is like life blood. Too many small businesses fail due to cash flow problems. You need to keep a watchful eye on cash inflow and outflow and control your spending to match cash coming in. I particularly like the last one. You don't need to spend money on fancy furniture and equipments in the early stage of the business. Try to avoid, or at least control, these expenses and you will be able to save enough to spend on activities that bring in additional business and cash."Flash Marketing – The Power of One Day Events
"Heather - Excellent point. As with many other marketing activities ROI measurement is the challenge that this activity needs to address. As you correctly stated indirect impact is somewhat difficult to measure. One way to do it is to prepare a survey or questionnaire that asks customers how they heard about your business. I have seen this being used by several businesses. "5 Ways Your Team Is Making You Look Bad AND How To Fix It Quick
"The bottom line is you have to properly train them in customer service before putting them in front of customers. Doing this with temporary workers around Holidays is a real challenge because you don't have time to do it. Besides, they will be there for only few weeks, so why bother spending all the time and money on them. But it is essential to provide guidelines and set the expectations for customer service to avoid being looked bad."How Productive Are You? Check With These Keys To Productivity
"Jane - Great tips. I would also add one more to the list - delegation. To be productive you need to focus on tasks that are most critical to your success and delegate the others. Productive people learn how to effectively delegate without micro-managing every detail."4 Essential Tools for Small Businesses (That Are Growing)
"if your business is growing having the right CRM tool is essential. Businesses going through growth phase will need to manage number of leads, contacts and customer relationships. They most likely will be hiring number of sales people quickly. Having a CRM tool in place will enable them to bring these sales people onboard quickly and harness the data to convert the leads into sales."Subscribe
10 Tips to Grow Your Small Business in 2014
"Excellent tips. Particularly love the last one. As an entrepreneur you are responsible to take care of business and yourself. You can also add accountability to this. At the end of the day you will be accountable to yourself to grow the business, especially in the early stage of the business."