DreamIdeaUK commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Every Entrepreneur Needs a Mentor, but not a Critic
"Great article Martin! And such a rarely covered topic in discussion i feel! The key for me is all in this phrase (below): This sums it up! the big difference, of course, is that a mentor looks ahead to help you, while a critic looks backward to tell you what you did wrong. You don't fancy writing an article or blog for us at dreamidea.co.uk do you??"You Do Not Have to Be Under 30 to Be a Startup Success
"Age knows no bounds when starting a business, success is only down to how many good decisions over bad decisions you make, and how many 'failures' you come back from! Experience can help you make judgment calls, but then may make you more risk-adverse! Stay young in health & mind and have a positive outlook and you are sure to do well. Also, think about development, create something that is inclusive and aids people, try dreamidea.co.uk."You Do Not Have to Be Under 30 to Be a Startup Success
"I reacon by 30, you would have failed enough times to at least pull one success out of the bag. I really believe success takes time, and drive. Those who get it right first time are rare! But, i agree, around the age of 30 = best age for entrepreneur ability to start seeing results!"« previous1 next »
Are Big Companies Better Innovators Than Small Ones?
"Great question to ask but fear difficult question to definitively answer! By sheer numbers alone, larger companies will pour more resources and manpower into R&D to find that next BIG thing, but SME's very existence will depend on it. Hard to call. Ultimately it depends on the team & brains you have around you. As well as certain 'outside' factors, not within your sphere of influence... economic climates and trends!"