GreenMango commented on the following stories on BizSugar
How To Become A Master Strategist: 3 Powerful Lessons From Jeff Bezos
"Hey Martin, I agree - Amazon is fantastic for individual publishers like you and I, but they're constantly in legal battles with publishing companies like Hachette. I'm also an entrepreneur, and I think these lessons apply well to people like us. For example, every business is based on strategy, whether we use that term or not. Last year business strategy shifted to incorporate customer experience because it's a rapidly growing field (lesson #2). I've also found that I need to connect with other entrepreneurs to exchange ideas. Many of my best moments come out of those conversations (lesson #3). What sort of work do you do, Martin?"Are You Overworked?
"I think a great test is considering how much time you usually have to connect with family and friends, participate in hobbies, etc. There are definitely busy seasons, but it's more about discovering what your "normal" is. I'd say a 7AM - 9PM workday is pretty rough. Why did you leave?"Subscribe
How To Create A Customer Journey Map: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide
"I haven't seen of any - you? This is a practice that tons of larger organizations are getting into - would be really easy for a smaller biz to reap the benefits, too."