JasonHJH commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Bringing to you our first Social Sunday!
"Hi Martin, Nope I haven't heard about it. What does it do? We haven't pushed it out as a hashtag because we wanted to see the response to our post. We found that generally a lot of news websites and blogs also publish curated content, the only difference is our filtering and theme of "usefulness". So we're reviewing it and we might this coming Sunday's publication. :) Stay tuned"Bringing to you our first Social Sunday!
"Thanks Martin for sharing about tagboard. It seems useful for a campaign that reaches different platforms, will keep it in view. Actually, do you have any feedback about the article? Is it too mainstream, just like any other site that shares and curates content?"Coca Cola: 3 lessons you can learn in the age of social media
"Thank you Lyceum! I believe there're many businesses using social media successfully, and each to their own merits. For a brilliant example, see Oreo & Kit Kat. http://www.mediabistro.com/prnewser/did-oreo-win-twitter-again-yes-they-did_b60761 Hope this helps! I hope to share more helpful cases in the future. Thank you once again for reading and commenting."Cut Out the Negotiating: Standardize and Publish Your Rates
"Well, I've been thinking about this for some time now, and I'm one of those in the consulting industry you spoke of. I think the question now would be "how to implement this transparency" rather than "whether to implement this suggestion". Thank you for verbalising our concerns!"Subscribe
These 2 Facebook Myths could Ruin your Business!
"Blogger? Where will your contest be hosted?"