ShawnHessinger commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Support Bloggers with Flattr
"Martin, I notice you mention Chris Brogan. Have you read some of his posts on business models? Clearly, blogging, like every other business, does not come with one-size-fits-all solutions. For example, the notion that you can simply start a blog, throw some Google AdSense on there and have a good revenue stream is seriously flawed. I'm not criticizing AdSense. It has its uses (for SEO if for nothing else.) I'm just saying that every blog must find its own business model. "Can Someone Else Tell Your Company's Story?
"Bringing in outside help for marketing in either blogging or other social media may not be as hard as you think. In particular, developing referral relationships with others engaged in social media or blogging is a good option. Remember, someone who is passionate about your product or service can sometimes be just as persuasive and may even have a better perspective because they can see your business from a very different perspective. "Subscribe
The Force Field Episode 42 - Forming Your Business Part 2
"As always, very helpful info from The Force Field and Rick Savoia. At least knowing the steps when organizing a new business helps you make important decisions about what form your new business should take."