ShawnHessinger commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Sales Tip A Day: Always Stay in Contact
"Chris, Thanks for the post. This is definitely an extremely important point because there are really SO MANY people who may happen upon your business or service who aren't ready to buy at just that moment. We've had tons of clients return to us maybe six months after initial contact asking for service...and then others who might get in touch and be ready to buy immediately. It's important to stay in touch with the long term clients to let them know what's new. Not to pitch at them constantly because this is a really BAD idea, but just to keep your brand in their minds so that when the time to buy comes, they will remember your product or service. "Why Your Small Business Shouldn’t Use Free Press Release Websites
"I think this may overstate the problem somewhat. I don't use free PR sites myself, however, I'm not sure given tight funding it's such a bad idea to experiment with a number of low cost options including these sites. In the end, some marketing is better than none at all."LenderInsights: Is there a mole in your operation?
"Great post with probably the logical question being when to decide a product or service isn't working. How long do you give a new product to catch on (not everything takes off in the first week)and how long do you give an older product which made money in the past before discontinuing?"Becoming Your Own Media Source: A Conversation With Robert Scoble
"Hey David, Thanks so much for the great interview with Robert Scoble. I'm sure he's an icon to many of us in the new media field and it's great to hear what he has to say about the industry's past as well as its future. Great interview and that camera is definitely now on my wish list. "Subscribe
The secret techniques to networking....that they don't want you to know
"Insightful and entertaining, Bambi, but probably most effective, at least in the shoe department, if you happen to be networking with someone like, say, Carrie Bradshaw from "Sex in the City". If you don't happen to be connecting with that niche you could always ask whether they've ordered their new iPad or if they've caught the latest episode of "The Office." (Is the last a bit too much of a U.S.-based observation? I'm never quite sure how far some of these pop phenomena reach.) "