SkipAnderson commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Complacency - A Business Killer!
"Very nice article. Complacency is like a cancer that permeates a salesperson's psyche. Maybe a rep can afford to complacent in a thriving economy, but it's terribly difficult to become "un-complacent" when the economy turns downward. To all in sales: avoice complacency at all costs!"Small Business Should Look for Ways to Give Back
"I find that, although many biz owners are very generous with their resources, there are a lot who are so focused on creating revenue for their company that it's easy to push aside giving. After all, receiving and giving are 180 degrees from each other, and when you live each day striving to maximize revenue, you become singularly focused on that task. This article is a fine reminder to all of us to commit some time and energy to the giving side of the equation. "Why Every Organization Should Embrace the Employee Driven Workplace
"Excellent thoughts. I don't know that "employee driven" is the right term, as I believe companies need to be "customer driven," but there is certainly room for improvement in engagement of the employee. An engaged employee is more productive, happier, and uses his/her unique skills to further the mission of the business. That's a win-win if there ever was one."Subscribe
Emotional Management a Must in Business
"I've long been a fan of studying emotions in the workplace. This article lends some fascinating thoughts to the subject. Nice work."