Creatingawebstore commented on the following stories on BizSugar
10 questions i didn’t expect to be asked by angel investors
"I like this question: #8: What mistakes have you made thus far in this business and what have you learned? Aside from investors asking us this, I feel we should all ask ourselves this question from time to time. Personally, I have learned a lot from my mistakes. When I work on projects, I always make sure that I don't make those same mistakes again."Thanks for Your Horrible Spam Comment… DELETE!
"I find this very annoying as well. There are times when I get over 40 spam comments in a day and while looking at them I often wonder who in their right mind would approve such comments? What is the point of posting such comments? Are they satisfied with just a small number of bloggers approving them? Does it even pay off? I mean who actually visits those sites?"It's Not Easy Being Facebook These Days
"Can't agree more about the whole Facebook situation and I saw this coming since the IPO launch. While I agree that it is a free platform and we get what we pay for, I also believe that a company should occasionally throw the users a bone... Especially since we are willing to invest our time in their business and help them grow."Want to Make Some Easy Money? Accept Checkout by Amazon (Tips & Review)
"Anytime Heather! I like this feature for many reasons but especially for SEO reasons, due to how the items are being promoted during checkout and not in your store. Which is a great way to participate in the affiliate program without making your store look like an affiliate website ;) because as many already know, sites have been getting dinged in the SERPs for thin content found on other sites."How to Properly Make Your Online Store Mobile Friendly
"Thanks for the comment. I have come across quite a few sites that weren't properly optimized for mobile users and I was getting annoyed as well. Especially since those mobile sites didn't contain all of the information that was shown on the desktop versions."Subscribe
“Adam, Great post. My feeling? It's better to already HAVE a blog than...”
“That's a good list of steps in keeping with self-discipline. I concentrate...”
“At a time where I am seriously considering utilizing videos for my online...”
“As I soon close in on the start of a 365 day countdown to retirement age...”
“You lay out some good solid tips to give an entrepreneur like myself a...”
Forget About SEO and Focus On Youtube (Optimization Tips & More) - Business 2 Community
"Thanks for the comment Ti. As Google rebel, I figured you'd agree :)"