Elainerogers commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Brands Are Created By Visionaries, Destroyed By Caretakers. What Are You?
"Nice thought process instigated here Gary. It seems a common thread in all the brands that have been resuscitated is that they were built on a steadfast foundation, coming from vision, passion, drive and good economics. As long as the flower has not withered completely, starved of water, it is possible to brig it back to life. And for brands I do believe this can be another life-time! I am sure all eyes are on Apple over the next 5 years, watching and waiting - does CEO turn caretaker, or drive the well respected vision. (Interesting that Heather had similar sentiments below) One thing is for sure - conformity and playing safe are not nutritional for growth (and more common than we like to admit as business owners)"5 Tips to a More Successful Job Interview
"When you get up in the morning, put a smile on your face. A physiological change can improve mental and emotional well being. We have to truly believe in our capabilities before we can convince others, be an advocate of ourselves really. You hit the nail on the head Warren, that self preparation before interview preparation is key here. And perception needs to be left behind. An open mind is healthy, and can encourage confidence in the moment also. Great post Warren, authenticity and honesty win out every time :)"Does the Bell toll for the High Street Business?
"Hi Anne, A wonderfully informative post, I know there are some that will be happy never to have to walk the streets to the various high street shops, happy to wander in the comfort of a shopping mall with easy parking. And for some, nothing gives them greater pleasure than to "go shopping" incorporating the coffee shops, bistros, butchers, market etc. Not one size fits all, but to assume one kind of shopping will completely die out has lost confidence in many shop owners. Shop owners need to look FOR opportunities, and be pro-active. In terms of online - there is a lot they can do to interact with their customers, to draw them in off-line and on-street :)"What is MDEC (Multi-Directional Expression Capability)? It Is The Rocket Fuel For Successful Online Strategy!
"What a great follow up from the queries and take aways from your last post John. I would add that ultimately the quality of service provided will make or break a reputation, as in your restaurant example, but I agree that working off season in preparation for on season is very relevant and effective for many business types. Using MDEC for B2B development is a great way for companies to interact with clients and potential clients using normal, non-jargon language and also to reach a wider audience :)"5 Ideas for Great Customer Reward Programs
"I love loyalty cards for the services I use regularly, and the rewards are great for department stores where we can shop in multiple locations. The debate is still being had regarding "deal sites" that often require a minimum discount offering of 50% but then take 50% of that as commission. I fear these sites breed loyalty for their own site, and not the businesses being featured. Of course many businesses really benefit utilising from these deal sites, but as I said, the debate long continues. I feel it appropriate to celebrate and reward regular and long-standing customers. Loyalty is cheap these days, so it's important as business owners, to do the best we can to serve our clients and customers. Great tips, thanks Leah!"Did The Dalai Lama Really Want To Share That?
"Interesting take on his interview. I am not well informed on the Dalai Lama therefore cannot comment whether he did himself any favours doing that interview. Sometimes though, a personal account of something helps to build trust amongst followers/fans/advocates and it can help spread the message that we are all, indeed, human :)"How to Remove 3 Common Buying Barriers
"Hi Stephanie, 3 very simple barriers, but wow can they be powerful. Remove the barriers, and you are in business. Simple as. Unfortunately many business owners assume they do not know how to or cannot, as they are fearful themselves. Discounting is a sure way to a -ve in your Profit & Loss, and bad for business. I truly believe people want value for money over cheap. A great post, thanks! Elaine"Subscribe
Business Speeches: A Quick Primer On Acing One Of Corporate Life's Biggest Drudges
"A subject very close to my heart in many respects Daniel. A great piece of writing. With the onset of social media and the "absolute" need for video in the near future, we will all be declaring our wares to large audiences online. However, nothing compares to the two-way interaction at presentations, speeches and the like, and us being human will always fear that, as well as spiders, death etc. In my experience, good mentoring, a healthy attitude helps hugely, and then it's just getting out there. The more we do it, the easier it becomes (or less frightening anyway). Most importantly, it's important to be yourself, and let your own personality shine through :) A great post, I really enjoyed reading it, and some great tips and insights, thank you."