Lyceum commented on the following stories on BizSugar
My Top 10 BizSugar Contributors: What They’ve Shared, What I’ve Learned, and Why They Got My Vote
"Ti: As a tea enthusiast, we have to talk about your Starbucks addiction! ;) Great list of contributors on BizSugar. You have content creators, voters, curators, commentators, and users sharing the stuff and spreading the word! :)"How to Earn in the Initial days of your Blog?
"Shawn: I agree with your comment. I couldn't monetize my blog in the beginning and I must admit that it is still hard to earn money the way Hassaan Khan is describing in his post. I have tested several of affiliate programs, ads, etc., and I receive only a little from these income streams at the moment. But I am not complaining, I have been able to monetize my blogging in other ways by creating and developing relationships with my readers and fellow bloggers. I have a new online venture in the pipeline that will have to do with the broadcasting of different forms, and my plan is to get referral partners and sponsors for the site. In the long run I will create products from my experiences of new media."Prepare Your Startup Now for International Markets
"As a globe-trotter in training and have been imported tea and computer products, I have learned the hard to prepare your company for an international market. I am an American in spirit and great supporter of the American sense-of-life. The North American has been "enough" for many U.S. based companies in the past, but I think we will see a shift of more global trade in the future."Square brings ultra-portable credit card payments to ultra-small retailers
"I am interested to learn more about near-field communication (NFC) technology that is mentioned in the post. In Europe, iZettle has become a popular portable credit payment tool. It uses the safety measure of the card chip."How To Rank Higher on BizSugar
"Simon Gabay: Great primer post on how to rank higher on BizSugar! You have to tell me about your green lizard (?) mascot at some point! ;) Your ending paragraph is a money quote: "Interacting with BizSugar members is also another way to rank higher. I pay close attention to those who vote my articles up; it tells me that these people took the time to read my article. What do I do then in return? I take the time read their articles when they appear on the upcoming section." All the Best, Martin Lindeskog (one of the moderators on BizSugar)"Subscribe
“Adam, Great post. My feeling? It's better to already HAVE a blog than...”
“That's a good list of steps in keeping with self-discipline. I concentrate...”
“At a time where I am seriously considering utilizing videos for my online...”
“As I soon close in on the start of a 365 day countdown to retirement age...”
“You lay out some good solid tips to give an entrepreneur like myself a...”
Buying A Frozen Yogurt Franchise?
""I can't believe it is yogurt!" ;)"