Sherisaid commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Social Selling – Everybody’s Taking About the New Sound
"Thanks! This desperately needed to be said. It seems like everybody and his twin brother Cletus thinks he's a social media marketer. I feel absolutely bombarded by sales much so that I haven't looked at Twitter DMs in a year. If I wasn't buying it by mail, tv, radio, billboards, email or direct sales...I'm not buying it on social media. "When Having A Great Product Just Doesn’t Cut It With Customers
"Jason, I voted for this because it has sound ideas and content, but please take my advice and get a professional editor, or at least have a friend look over your writing before you post. Grammar and syntax mistakes are everywhere. Don't take offense - even the most prolific professional writers need editors."5 Reasons Copywriters Need to Get Data … Or Get Out of the Business
"Great post...catch-22 situation. The vast majority of copywriters are earning squat per post and doing uncredited work. So tracking metrics only applies to copywriters already at the top of the game who are vying for positions that pay the big bucks...a position the average copywriter will never get to because...wait for it...they are too busy writing uncredited work for squat to pay the bills. Sad, but true. How to get up there? I think it's the same as most small businesses. Capital investment. Hm. seems like a good theory to blog about."Subscribe
The Importance of Being Different
"What a great example! I've always loved movies, but with my massive HDTV, surround sound, and Blu-ray, the only thing that gets me off the couch is IMax...and I love to see tech-laden movies in massive scale. I love the comfy luxury seating options, the upgraded food options and the fact that I can get beer and wine. It elevates what used to be a movie to an evening experience in entertainment. I appreciate it and I'm willing to pay because I really do feel the value meets or exceeds the price."