Smpayton commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Give the Gift That Lasts: Your Company's Brand - The Marketing Eggspert Blog
"Heather, I'll let Allison respond on the blog directly but I'm with you: if it's cheap or something over-promotional, it can send the wrong message. I'd go for something tasteful. For example, for Egg, I sent wooden eggs with a handmade stamp (I didn't make it!) of my logo sitting in a nest. Very unique, and people loved them."Subscribe
The Top 3 Ways to Get Consumers to Shop Small
"I live in a great shopping district, and we're having a holiday shopping event this weekend. People are encouraged to shop at certain stores to get an entry into a raffle of local products. I think this is a great way to galvanize people to spending in their communities (and the holiday effect helps too!). Susan"