Thelostagency commented on the following stories on BizSugar
What is the Difference Between Thought Leadership and Content Marketing? - B2B Marketing
"We had this discussion briefly at work, but I think it's something that needs to be discussed further to ensure we are not underselling the idea. I feel that much of the content marketing that takes the most effort and most time to create is the type of thought leadership we should aim for in every piece!"Outsourcing Is Not Just For Global Companies
"Thanks for the comment John, yes the cost per head can be far lower but the problem is you need good processes and briefs to get the best result even if they have a good manager onsite. I have found that if you pay too low that you need twice the support to manage the staff working on the project."Outsourcing Is Not Just For Global Companies
"Thanks Heather I thought it would be a relevant post for the community considering how people are trying to work smarter and not harder. Yes there is a lot more to that post and I've got a few others in the pipeline that i'm working on that focus more about the off-shoring elements. I have used these platforms to find and hire freelancer workers in Australia in the past, so there is that stereotype that it's all about getting it done cheaper overseas. It was more about highlighting some platforms that people can use that don't require massive capital and yes I have friends who outsource their data entry of receipts before giving it to their accountants using these platforms. There is another post or two just focusing on the high/low value items being outsourced or not outsourced. Certainly think the idea has room to grow and is becoming more accepted as it becomes easier to do."Subscribe
Jesse Willms, the Dark Lord of the Internet
"Ah yes it was a really great piece and certainly one of the best posts to start off 2014 with :)"