Yoni67 commented on the following stories on BizSugar
How to Forge a Successful Partnership
"Ronika, Excellent post! I love the Rolling Stones aspect. You are 100 percent correct. A partnership must be a union which stands the test of time. I think back on friendships, love interests, roommates etc. which seemed so strong at the inception only to falter. It's like a great marriage or in your example like Mick and Keith, you need the parties to come together and build on mutaual strengths and goals. Fabulous article...though I will probably never have to worry about it. My one-person writing business will probably remain one-person until doomsday! Yoni"Business & Marketing History: The Marlboro Man: The Greatest, Deadliest and Deadest Pitch-Man of All-Time.
"Alan, No doubt whatsoever that personal responsibility is a huge issue. Thank you for bringing it up! The issue here, as I'm glad you agreed, is that of the enticement. The Marlboro Man seemed to do the job, at least according to financial figures. I guess in some regards it was his coolness and machismo which flipped the balance for many and dragged them into the fray. It testifies to the power of advertising and marketing along with the resonsibility which must go along with it. Best regards, Yonatan"Subscribe
Say Hello to Change, Strengthen Customer Relationships, Increase Sales
"Susan, Believe me, I long for the days gone by. I'd love to type out resumes speeches and research for my clients on an old Smith-Corona typewriter. Then take out the paper fold it three times, stick it in an envelope, lick a stamp and mail it off. I would love to forego being online. But it is Business suicide. And contrary to the M*A*S*H theme-song, suicide is not painless...at least not in the Business sense. Change is difficult for many. But in the 21st Century, we must keep up with the times! Yoni"