Yoni67 commented on the following stories on BizSugar
3 Ways of Return of Engagement
"Martin, Since you love coffee, how about an analogy: Social Media is like the glass bowl at the bottom of a coffee machine. It takes a lot of hard work (boiling and steam). And the results? It's like the slow dripping of coffee dripping down. Don't forget the filter. Just like it sepearates the coffee grinds, seperate for yourself expectations. Don't listen to those with 20,000 to 250,000 followers. Most are purveyors of porn and spammers. It's just a number. I have found that the best way to make a SM ROI is to generate website traffic. Blog often. Come up with great titles and content and tweet the hell out of the links. I have found that at this point my average article view is around 750 within 1.5 months of publication. Of those 750, I get about .7 hires, meaning that for every three articles I get hired twice. I've begun to measure the ROI more in terms of hires/income rather than "friends." I've been on Twitter for 9 months and only have 800 followers. So what. Again, just a number. One of the things I have found too is the more outlandish my articles and titles, the more hits they generate. Just some ideas. Due to circumstances I will be off from work and away from blogging at least for the next month. Then I'll have to start anew. Until then, Best of luck! Yoni"3 Ways of Return of Engagement
"Martin, Part 2: I think it is also important as Susan said to crystalize your goal. Personally, I'm not looking for followers. And of those thousand or so that do follow me, maybe I'll make a close friend or two. My goal as I spell out at the end of each blog post (the only real advertising I do) is this: I want you to hire me. I want your money! By spelling thinhs out it is easire to attain the goals you are looking for. That's why in each blog post I try to give something of value and then...I make the sales-pitch. AKA: give me a job please. Yoni"3 Ways of Return of Engagement
"Martin, Maybe the best thing to do is to see who those clients are. Giving them great reading material is a great first step. Then use the enticement, the sales-pitch so to speak. "If you've enjoyed this article, Imagine what I can bring to you and your company!" All it really takes is a brief bio and sales-pitch at the end of each blog piece. If you are looking to translate blogs into hirings and income, you must tell your readers. Treated as a resumer/CV a blog can be a tremendous way of finding clients and income! Yoni"3 Ways of Return of Engagement
"Martin, How about this under each blog, right below your picture: Martin Lindeskog is a businessman and modern-day philosopher. Carrying on the tradition of Aristotle, Plato and Socrates, he brings the knowledge and the wisdom of the ancients to everything he does! Follow this link to Martin's CV and LinkedIn profil and see how he can bring Renaisance and Enlightenment to your business! Just an example."Marketing Lessons From the Lawn Mower Guy
"Susan, Nice post and great analogy, especially to getting a haircut. I've gotten my hair cut at places where I have had to wear a baseball cap for two weeks because it was so bad. It's about finding a business where you get things done the way you want. It might cost a bit more and you might have to do some searching around, but it's well worth it! Yoni"What Makes You Special | M4B Marketing
"Susan, A very inspirational post! Very heartening. Almost everybody has beauty in them. Specialness. Yet, some people in Business still don't get it. What makes them unique" Their frown. Their crappy attitude. Their sense of entitlement (thinking their store or their business is the only game in town...they don't realize that dissatisfied customers usually have alternatives) It's about customer service. People want to be made to feel special. It is the greatest selling point we have. Bill Gates once said his chief criteria for hiring is attitude. You can teach anybody to operate a computer but attitude can't be taught. Wonderful post! Yoni"What Makes You Special | M4B Marketing
"Susan, One more thing about entitlement: There is a sense a lot of times that as a businessperson, someone deserves my business. No way! You gotta earn it. If I walk into a store and the person frowns, acts like I'm taking up too much of their time or chats on their cellphone and makes me wait...I depart immediately! I'll go somewhere else even if it's across town to find that person or business that I consider a perfect fit! Lovely post that inspiers conversation like this! I will be taking off of work. I've notified my clients and will be changing my status to "not available." I need to take a break. I think I will set the goal of Jan. 1st to return. Yoni Now a message from Rivkah: Hi Susan! Thanks for your compliments on my post! It was fun. It gave me the chance to put into practice all that Yoni has taught me! Rivkah!"Subscribe
I Just Want to Buy
"Susan, Very important points to keep in mind! I myself can do an entire wardrobe shopping in half an hour. I HATE stores! My wife can spend hours and hours just looking around. It is vitally important to realize the perspoectives of your customers. Yoni"