Yoni67 commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Segment Your Way to Marketing Success
"Susan, Very nice post! Indeed we all must face that we have prospective customers and clients who have different views, demographics, outlooks and expectations. My favorite restaurants are a-la-carte, buffet-style lines where you tell the guy (or gal) behind the counter exactly what to add to your tray. One-size-fits-all businesses might work for some, but in most cases we have to appeal to peoples' differences in order to succeed. All the best, Yoni"The Single Bigge$t Payday in the History of Business and Why It Depresses the Hell Out of Me as a Businessperson!
"Adam, It's almost poetic-justice to see him go bankrupt. I think one of the most depressing aspects is to see such earning potential end up wasted. There could have been Mike Tyson Cancer Research Institutes and Tyson Childrens' Hospitals. We all should be happy with out lot, we all, as you say, have so many reasons to be happy. Yoni"The Single Bigge$t Payday in the History of Business and Why It Depresses the Hell Out of Me as a Businessperson!
"Susan, It's kind of like the people who win the lottery. Many end up in the gutter just a few years on. In any case I LOVE the History Channel! Quality programming instead of the crap on most other networks. Regards, Yoni"Subscribe
Feeling Frazzled? 10 Tips to Avoid Burnout While Managing Multiple Income Streams
"Adam, Running multiple streams is tough which is why I tend to stick to one. I'm not, and have never been, a multi-tasker. I just read about a father who works two full-time jobs and a part-time as well...out of necessity of course. I don't know how people can, though I guess that unfortunately it's a product of the times. Yoni"