Yoni67 commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Lessons on Building a Business Portfolio and Expertise from 18th Century Corpse-Stealing Physicians and Anatomists!
"Al, Adam & Duncan (in no particulra order), Their methods are definitely questionable and bring a host of moral and ethical questions into play, but nobody could argue with the results. Tens, hundreds of thousands, millions of lives were probably saved through their experimentation and perfection of surgical techniques. Yoni"Lessons on Building a Business Portfolio and Expertise from 18th Century Corpse-Stealing Physicians and Anatomists!
"Hamed, I have mixed feelings about it. Ethics and morality most certainly come in to play. But in the end surgical procedures were practiced and perfected in the only way they could have been. It was a time when illness was attributed to spirits and a patient had a pretty good chance of dying from something which today is simple and treatable. There is no way, hopefully, that such things as this could happen today, but the fact that they once occurred brought about tremendous and lasting change. Yoni"Lessons on Building a Business Portfolio and Expertise from 18th Century Corpse-Stealing Physicians and Anatomists!
"Ronika, Medicine was stagnant in this period. No advances had been made in centuries. Those who dared challenge Hippocrates and centuries of tradition were labeled heretics. It took Hunter to change things and I indeed view him as an entrepreneur. His methods were somewhat over the line but his contributions changed the world. Thanks for stopping by! Yoni"Lessons on Building a Business Portfolio and Expertise from 18th Century Corpse-Stealing Physicians and Anatomists!
"Sheri, Thanks! Much appreciated! Actually it is not all my creativity. Most of my posts come from the Discovery Channel, The History Channel, the news and a good book or article. The only real thing I do is tie the subject into business. Glad you enjoyed! Yoni"Subscribe
Interview with Matt Barrie, frelancer.com CEO
"freelancer.com is a good site for some and worthless for others, unfortunately. It is inherent in the bidding system. When you have people in the Third world willing to work for a few dollars an hour, workers used to a much higher salary will get underbid every time. Yoni"