Yoni67 commented on the following stories on BizSugar
In the Race to Build Up Your Business Don’t Forget to Look Back!
"Adam, Your story about reaching the vista gave a unique and heartening twist to the post. You are right, sometimes looking back is crucial, though we tend to always want to look forward. I have made so many mistakes along the way; sometimes it is chilling to look back and see how much time I wasted (most notably I didn't blog for the first four months of my business. But looking back helps us grow and also gives insight into the vistas and peaks that we have succeeded in reaching. Yoni"Experts Are Everywhere, Who Do You Choose?
"Jackie, So many great points in one article, where to start? Testimonials are crap, though I do post them. Of course everyone posts the best ones. You won't see the one on my website that says, "Yoni was a complete doo-doo head. He was argumentative, belligerent and called my momma a ho." Yup, experts choose testimonials well. Experts should be called experts by others, not by themselves. 'nother great point. So how do we choose an expert. You've given us a great blueprint! Yoni"Take Yourself Out of The Marketing Decision Game
"Susan, It seems logical that our preferences can seep into marketing decisions as well as our opinions, biases and personal feelings. The part about the colors can certainly have consequences which I never really thought of. Colors do in fact have meanings and temperments and as you state the ability to turn on and turn off people. Great read! Yoni"Where Do Your Customers Spend Time Online?
"Alastair, Great tips and advice. I see that there is a method to the madness that I wasn't really aware of. I usually sit back and try to let customers find me but now I see there is another way I haven't recognized or taken advantage of. I'm going to seek out some of the niche Social Media sites and forums. Thanks! Yoni"Reverse brainstorming: A better way to generate creative ideas
"Jorgebarba, I like the idea. It's kind of like the reverse-engineering they do. China recently unveiled their new Stealth fighter. Turns out they studied an American stealth that was shot down in Serbia in the 1990s and built it backwards! Yoni"Subscribe
Leader Who Had No Title – Robin Sharma (Book Review)
"Thanks for the great review Jackie. I might just give it a peruse. Yoni"