Yoni67 commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Business World Perceptions, Mis-Perceptions and Judging Books by Their Covers: The Curious Case of Dolph Lundgren!
"Saul, Susan Boyle is another great example. It was sad, however, to see how unprepared she was emotionally for the success and spotlight that followed. Sometimes we find great talent in unexpected places. Yoni"Be Your Clients’ Favourite Marketing Service Provider
"Susan, Great advice on relationship maintenance. Getting clients and customers is one thing...keeping them for the long-term is another. Expectations and perceptions are things we as businesspeople must understand and internalize...getting into the heads of our clients so to speak. Great article! Yoni"Subscribe
Business World Perceptions, Mis-Perceptions and Judging Books by Their Covers: The Curious Case of Dolph Lundgren!
"Heidi, We do have to get past the covers of books and to the contents. That being said, when I go on my latest foray into a bookstore...quite often...I do tend to choose books based a lot, though not entirely, on the cover! Yoni"