Yoni67 commented on the following stories on BizSugar
Is Social Media Killing Traditional Business Networking?
"Adam, I think "enhancing' it. Anybody who forgets about traditional communication, etiquette and the personalized touch when communicating with others will find him or herself the hit of the online world but without live, physical customers. Yoni"Get The Best From Your Marketing Service Providers
"Susan, Very good article and very comprehensive list. Certainly knowing when you have hit your limit and when to farm things out is a big point. People don’t want to admit they are in over their heads when they delve into an area where they have little experience, but the wise know that it is time to turn things over to someone with more capability and knowledge. That is how to get professional results! Yoni "Subscribe
Ten Free Image Sources For Your Blog, Website, or Facebook
"Cindy, Great list. Using pics can definitely enhance the user experience, but as you say it is important to use them fairly as they are other peoples' property. I have also read, and it's how I do it most of the time, that you can use an image if you credit the user in a post and provide a link back to the website. Yoni"