JasonKienbaum submitted the following stories to BizSugar

If you have a passionate topic that you want to talk about you shouldn’t steer away from it because it is one of the more saturated content areas on the web. Instead you can try another approach to stand out and get noticed. Read More
Tis the season to be giving! You have thought about what you are getting your mom, your friend Joe, the kids, and your business team, but what are getting your customers? Read More
In a web world that is now built on the conversations that we have with others, whether that’s via Skype, email, Twitter, or blogging, we need to always be responding to those who reach out to us. As the very relevant saying goes – we love to buy from those who we know, like and trust. In creating Read More
It all starts and ends with the visitor’s experience on your website. In order to keep people coming back to your website the experience needs to be what they expect and if just one of these elements listed below is missing it can cause the visitor to leave and never come back. Read More
There are a ton of ways to promote our business online for the rest of 2010 and going forward for 2011. However, what is going to separate companies from one another is their ability to be creative with all the different types of web tools, like social media. Read More
What do you do after the sale is made? Hopefully you don’t allow that customer to fall into the background and be forgotten, which many companies allow their customers to do. This is why forming an online community has become a must for many. Once you form an online community many who follow you wi Read More
Social media can be one of two things for a business; a huge time saver for building connections or a complete time waster because social media was used for the wrong reasons like making the quick buck online! Allow me to channel my best Jeff Foxworthy to shed some light on this topic. Read More
Even though social media is a valuable tool for us I still believe it can’t fully replace some of the dialog we can have over the phone with someone or in a face-to-face setting. There are still too many limits within social media so it is important to realize when to move conversation away from so Read More
One way to draw in a customer and keep the current ones happy is to constantly be creating something that is truly unexpected. To capture the unexpected for your business here are 5 rules that you should consider. Read More
The last thing that we want to do is kill our social media plan before it really even begins, but many people do and once that happens it can be difficult to bounce back from or even come back at all. So here are a few ways to make sure our social media plans don’t get caught in this situation. Read More

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