KelvinIsAwesome submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Copywriters use specific techniques in their copy to help clients deliver value on their expertise; learn about 3 such writing tactics that I've used in the past, and why one of them has landed me in hot water more than once. Read More
This is where the description of today's post is written. This sentence describes the central theme of This is Where the Perfect Headline Goes in a manner that the reader finds enticing enough to click through to the article. It will work. Read More
The power of positive words n your copy goes a long way to persuading your readers to take action. Positive energy trumps negative. Every. Single. Time. Read More
Creating a logical path for your readers is one of the copywriter's primary tools for helping others. Apparently the guys who write the cooking instructions on boxes of frozen chicken disagree. Read More

The Persuasive Power Of Small Words (Part 1)

Avatar Posted by KelvinIsAwesome under Rock Your Biz
From 4434 days ago
Made Hot by: WorkSpace on July 19, 2012 11:10 pm
We all know it's important to keep posts short and tight without any excess baloney, but should we do this at the cost of our unique styles. Read this awesome post to find out. Read More
If you're a copywriter with loads of brains to spare (unlike me), then really smart zombies will quickly become your best friends. Read More

Why Twitter Is Way Better Than Hard Drugs

Avatar Posted by KelvinIsAwesome under Rock Your Biz
From 4449 days ago
Made Hot by: TalkingHedzPR on July 5, 2012 4:02 am
Follow these five important aspects of social media giant twitter and get a more powerful and more useful buzz than hard drugs can deliver. Read More

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