Liber8me submitted the following stories to BizSugar

This morning it dawned on me that I haven’t been employed by someone now since 1990, when I left my job as an advertising copy writer. That’s 22 years of fending for myself! I realised that not only am I totally unemployable now, but that I’ve also become quite wise in certain areas.

One of th Read More

Friday Business Mentoring Tip – Create rituals

Avatar Posted by Liber8me under Employee Benefits
From 4329 days ago
Made Hot by: kiwimeg on December 17, 2012 10:06 pm
This one is a goodie and absolutely crucial if you have a team of people around you.

Rituals are the glue that holds the culture of an organisation together. They are the things that you do together as a team on a regular basis. The rituals of your company become the elements that gi Read More
My lovely client Bridgette (from Village PR in Tauranga) told me the funniest story about a tennis game she played in Fiji recently. The parallels to and lessons about business were clearly apparent to us both so I just have to share it…

Bridgette it turns out is a bit of a gun tennis Read More
It seems the critieria for a good business are much the same. But here’s the criteria for NOT investing in a business from Michael Blakeyof private equity firm Avonmore Development… it hammers home some very clear fundamentals for business owners, and of course ends…having an exit strategy. Enjoy Read More
The blog outlines some things learned about Facebook from their recent IPO filing. Along with all the accounting and legal information there were 5 “facebookisms”. And they are BRILLLIANT! Take note business owners, this is how you build a culture… Read More
Why do people get into business for themselves? When I present to business groups I often ask people why they decided to start a business. The answers are always the same. To be my own boss/to be free to choose how I work/I’m good at what I do… so why should I line someone else’s pockets/I’ve go Read More
The purpose of an entrepreneur is twofold:

1. To build a company with a higher purpose (think Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Anita Roddick and others such billionaires who make a difference to our world)

2. To build an exit for the shareholders (think Sam Morg Read More

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