QueenMaa submitted the following stories to BizSugar

You would think that internet marketing would be the ideal business for an introvert. After all, you are doing everything behind a computer but with technology moving at the fast pace it is it is definitely becoming more personal. You don't have to actually be there to be there. With videos, Google Read More
We all know that social media is a great way to share what we like. After all, these are places that we are in control of and we can share what we like. Are we sharing only the things that we like? You might say that's what we are supposed to do. People follow us because they are interested in what Read More
Lots of people are trying to start a business online. I don't blame them. Do you? If you can succeed with online marketing you can have the freedom you want to have. No more going to a job that you loathe day in and day out and getting paid pennies. No more people telling you what you can and canno Read More
Blogging and internet marketing is our business. Many people still don't understand it. It can be hard and frustrating to explain it to friends and family members, because they don't think that you can make a living online. What I have found is that people who consider themselves technically advanc Read More
As bloggers/internet marketers we have a lot of work to do. The work that we do is definitely not for the faint-hearted as many find out all too soon. We have to constantly come up with content to write, networking, promoting and staying updated. We have to do these things consistently and on a dai Read More
You see them all over the internet people who go from one business to another. You swore to yourself that you would never become a network/internet marketing junkie. You found it just completely despicable that people keep contacting you about different network marketing companies or internet marke Read More
Getting traffic to your website is very important when it comes to doing internet marketing. I have read internet marketers doing many things when it comes to getting traffic to their websites but also individual affiliate or internet products. I, for one never put all of my eggs in one basket. I s Read More
The internet is a huge place and there is a lot going on and many things to learn. Have you gotten caught up in the internet marketing whirl wind? Do you think that you are a good business partner or are you someone's worse nightmare? Are you the person that joins a business or internet marketing p Read More
Which is better for you network marketing or affiliate marketing? I have been involved with both network marketing and affiliate marketing. Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Is one easier than the other? Both involve selling products or services. So, they are equal in that regard. Howev Read More
What do you do when you can't tweet your blog posts? You cry, scream and fall to your knees and say, "Why me?" Just kidding. :) I'm not going to lie. I really felt like doing that but we all know that wasn't going to solve anything. My problem was still going to be there regardless. When I first re Read More

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