SellBetter submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Small Talk Is For Small People – Sales eXchange 204

Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 4128 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on June 14, 2013 11:08 pm
There are better ways to get closer to a buyer and success than empty words that do not move you, the buyer, and the deal closer to your objective. Read More
Does straight commission still makes sense in a customer centric world, or does it prevent organizations and individual sales people from achieving full and collective success? Read More
Putting some teeth in to the notion that less is more, sometimes you can shrink your way to success. Creating more room on the head of a pin can lead to more revenue with a lower cost of sale. Read More
If the ultimate measure is the resulting revenue, how you get becomes much less important how you get there. Many is sales lose sight of the objective and get caught up and distract by the means of getting desired and consistent results. Read More
A buyer’s role will determine their time horizon, selling in the wrong time frame can help or hinder the nature of your relationship, the length of the cycle, and whether you get the sale or not. Read More
Having a shorter sales cycle is good, but not if it risks getting more sales. Shorter does not mean more efficient, so look for efficiencies that drive more results, that does not always equal faster. Read More
As sales and marketing continue to collaborate, alignment and tools help the two ac hive greater success. Today's guest post looks at tools, strategies and use of social media to achieve improved results. Read More
While improving sales skill is key yo ongoing sales success, how well you use or waste time can be more important. Read More
There are enough challenges in selling, I don't understand why some sales people continue to put up their own barriers. Read More
You can't sell if you are not speaking the same language, in today's guest post Allen Peterson, looks at buzzwords and their impact on communications. Read More

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