SusanFantle submitted the following stories to BizSugar

There are six important steps to writing the perfect B2B marketing lead generation message. Here is the first. Read More
Here's a great B2B marketing tactic that helps increase sales by uncovering a prospect's intent to purchase products in your industry category. Read More
Putting personalization data in your B2B marketing to truly connect with customers and prospects? This single oversight can crush your marketing opportunities. Read More
Here are a few tips to help ensure that marketing copy has a chance of generating the desired response, before it's seen by the market. Read More
B2B marketing groups spending a lot of money on acquiring new customers may be missing the strategy that makes the bigger impact on the company's bottom line. Read More
Should sales people use personal, one-to-one videos in the B2B marketing selling process? A recent discussion of this question produced some great insight. Read More

Why anyone can use video in B2B marketing & why they should.

Avatar Posted by SusanFantle under Marketing
From 4247 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on January 27, 2013 9:05 am
There's nothing like video to make B2B marketing interesting, attention-getting and memorable. Here's why anyone can use video and why they should. Read More

When and why B2B marketing fails.

Avatar Posted by SusanFantle under Marketing
From 4254 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on January 16, 2013 12:33 pm
Great content may fail because it isn't marketed properly. But B2B marketing can fail, too. Learn when and why B2B marketing can fail and how to prevent it. Read More
Making a good first impression in this competitive B2B marketing environment is everything. Here are some ideas on making B2B Websites mobile-friendly -- fast. Read More
Read these five most popular B2B Marketing Smarts posts added in 2012 for a little ammunition on how to improve B2B marketing performance in 2013.
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