VanMarcianoMedia submitted the following stories to BizSugar

For online retailers and website owners, maintaining a blog has been a trend as well as a big source of customer acquisition and customer engagement...

Find out why if you have an eCommerce website, your business can make good use of a blog... Read More
A friend of mine asked me, which is more important to you? Increasing direct traffic or increasing search engine traffic. I simply replied referral traffic! Find out why here... Read More
Here are a few guidelines that you may use as tips and general information about online advertising that you were probably unaware of. The Internet is a largely unmonitored playground for the good, the bad, and the worse. Read More

Do You Think You're Saving Your Company Money?

Avatar Posted by VanMarcianoMedia under Marketing
From 3961 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on November 5, 2013 1:59 pm
For any small business to thrive in this economy it needs to adapt to the ever-changing landscape and keep up with the changing trends. Investing money into the development of your small business is crucial... Read More
In this post I'm sharing with you my unique strategy for writing effective guest post rejection emails. We all at some stage have to reject some guest blogging pitches, learn how to construct a professional email when rejecting guest posts... Read More
Are you tired of seeing your hard work getting ripped off by content scrapers? Or so you want to check the authenticity of a recent guest post? Check out these three awesome online tools for checking duplicate content... Read More
For some time now you’ll no doubt have noticed ‘the radical movement’ of some bloggers removing dates from blog posts!

What’s that all about?

It is suggested that removing dates from blog posts can have many positive effects and advantages, here are some of the things people are claiming abou Read More
Anyone involved in internet marketing these days will tell you just how important research is. When it comes to evaluating what your competitors are doing, you need to be able to gather as much crucial data about them as possible... [Read more] Read More
SEO is one area of marketing that is never constant and is ever changing. Since there is no consistency in the marketing strategies, it is important to know about the latest developments and to be informed about the strategies that have been outdated... [Read more] Read More
If you’re just starting out as a writer, from a beginner’s perspective, it takes many hours, days, weeks, month’s and even years of practice to become the skilled and creative writer you want to be... [Read more] Read More

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