VanMarcianoMedia submitted the following stories to BizSugar

If you're looking for a better plugin for your affiliate WordPress site, review site or niche site, then check out my personal review of Better Links Pro. This plugin boasts some amazing tools and features... Read More
This is post number 4 in our blog traffic tips series. OK so in this post I want to talk to you about developing your own unique writing style, or also often referred to as giving your blog a unique voice. Read More
Blogging is meant to be fun, I don't care whether you blog for business or pleasure. Sometimes blogging can seem to more of a chore than a pleasurable activity. In this post I share with you some signs to watch out for and ways to make blogging fun... Read More

Bloggers: Why Create and Sell Your Own Products

Avatar Posted by VanMarcianoMedia under Strategy
From 3717 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on May 29, 2014 5:05 pm
Thinking about creating and selling your own products on your blog? I'm giving you 6 reasons why you need to stop thinking about it and start doing it... Read More
I want to ask you a question, what really motivates you to blog? What inspires you to wake up each day, and make you want to stay focused on reaching your ultimate blogging goals? Read more... Read More
Are you using WordPress? Are you making the most of your site's homepage. Here are some reasons why you should create and use a static homepage for your WordPress site! Read More
In this post I share with you some great tips for opening your blog posts, write compelling opening paragraphs and get your readers hooked on reading your posts every time... Read More

17 Blogging Mistakes That Could Kill Your Blog

Avatar Posted by VanMarcianoMedia under Strategy
From 3734 days ago
Made Hot by: ObjectOriented on May 6, 2014 11:17 pm
We all make blogging mistakes, some worst than others. The great thing about making mistakes in blogging is that you know better for next time, you learn from your mistakes. In this post I've outlined 17 blogging mistakes that I've committed in the past, and how to avoid them. Read More
Want to increase blog subscribers and reader loyalty, start by making your first time visitors fall instantly in love with your blog design, content and community. Here's how... Read More
Perhaps you’ve come across the term “bounce rate”, perhaps you haven’t. If you’ve been in the blogosphere long enough, you’ll know what it is and how it affects your blog. Google defines a bounce as a single page visitor, in other words a visitor has landed on a page on your site... Read more Read More

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