Webpresence submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Millennials Hate Marketing: Here's How To Do It Properly

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From http://www.webpresence.tv 3083 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on February 19, 2016 7:19 pm
Millennials hate LOL, emojis, and feeling patronised according to research, but so many companies are still getting it wrong. Here's how to do it right. Read More
Some say brands should adopt technology at their own risk, but we disagree. Online technology is making advertising better than ever before. Here's why. Read More
Facebook's stock is rising rapidly with Q4 2015 figures showing the social network pulling in $5.84 billion. Here's why we think it's set to surpass Google. Read More
With the IAB refusing to admit Adblock Plus to an event and the Brave adblocking browser on its way, we discuss why ads need to be more creative than ever. Read More
A massive Google update has been unleashed and hit content publishers hard. Here's why it's a big reminder to keep on top of your SEO strategy. Read More
Twitter is now considering expanding its character limit for tweets from 140 to 10,000. But would such a format be suitable for Twitter? Is it the right move? Read More
Wired has written that page views are a useless metric. While we disagree, we're on board that 2016 will see marketers demanding more data for their money.

We discuss why creative metrics are going to be essential to your success in 2016 and beyond.

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2015 has been a good time for digital marketing. Is 2016, though set to be the year when digital marketing really primes itself to take over television? Read More
Facebook has changed so people can choose what they want to see, while Twitter is having troubles sharing. Will these social updates stop you going viral? Read More
Mashable's native advertising partnership with Visa shows the flexibility of the medium, and shames publishers that say there's no money online. Read More

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