Webpresence submitted the following stories to BizSugar

A Cracking Case Study: 4 Tips On Becoming A YouTube Sensation

Avatar Posted by Webpresence under Social Media
From http://www.webpresence.tv 3238 days ago
Made Hot by: leonesimmy on September 17, 2015 9:11 am
We look at how one chiropractor's YouTube strategy is helping his practice grow globally, and suggest 4 top tips to perfect your video marketing strategy. Read More
3 tips to tighten your social standing to make sure the message is safe, consistent, and that any potential damage can be limited. Read More
BBC is dumping the Met Office because it can't build a good app. But an app isn't the be-all and end-all. Here's why mobile websites may be a better choice. Read More
YouTube's TrueView cards are adding a new dimension to lead generation. Here's how brands can captalise on the phenomenon and capture a whole new audience. Read More

Are Social And Search Now Closer Than Ever Before?

Avatar Posted by Webpresence under Online Marketing
From http://www.webpresence.tv 3266 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on August 20, 2015 9:03 am
Twitter integrations are now appearing in Google desktop searches, but could it damage the reputation of the search engine and help spread misinformation? Read More
AdBlock software may be on the rise with privacy fears over mobile. Here are some tips on getting around the software to advertise in new creative ways. Read More
Instagram's set to overtake Twitter and Google in mobile display ad revenue by 2017. It's time to look at the imagery you're using and make it work for you. Read More
A PR stunt from two magicians went viral last week with many reporting it as a piece of live TV history. Here's why such lazy journalism will hit them hard. Read More
Google's on the lookout for an SEO manager. If Google, who writes the rules on search, is performing the practise to gain rankings then why aren't you? We look at three core SEO tips to follow to make sure you have at least a relevant presence on search engines. Read More
Facebook's new news feed feature let people choose their content, but unless you read their advertising policies, there's little point in publishing. Read More

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