Webpresence submitted the following stories to BizSugar

We discuss why you need to focus first and foremost on your customers rather than relying on a social strategy that puts all your eggs in one basket. If you strategise properly with the long-term in mind then you’ll surely see your business grow online. Read More
Studies show that brands want to work with influencers, but amazingly they haven't got a clue how to find or approach them. Webpresence offers some key tips. Read More
98 per cent of small businesses are looking at marketing automation to help them out, according to a report. But will automation kill creative marketing? Read More
As the FTC in America updates its rules on sponsored advertising on social media Webpresence looks at how to build ethical sponsored content relationships. Read More

Are Micro Moments The New Way To Nurture Leads?

Avatar Posted by Webpresence under Online Marketing
From http://www.webpresence.tv 3335 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on June 11, 2015 6:54 am
Google has suggested with that Micro Moments are the next step forward for brands looking to nurture leads. Here's 3 tips to help you be part of the moment. Read More

Can You Trust Influencers With Your Content Campaigns?

Avatar Posted by Webpresence under Advertising
From http://www.webpresence.tv 3342 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on June 4, 2015 10:54 pm
Marketers are now relying on influencers to construct their content campaigns which can be both good and bad. Webpresence shows why with two case studies. Read More
Reddits' free nature has attracted a lot of marketers using the site to attract traffic and generate brand awareness. Play your cards right and you can be a global success, but try to take advantage of it and your name will be mud! Read More
As YouTube hits 10 years Webpresence takes a look at how marketers and vloggers are hitting it big with guides and how-to videos to attract new audiences.
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The emergence of cinemagraphs can have a huge impact on your marketing efforts and shows a wider importance to video and visuals when digital marketing. Read More
Google's new mobile algorithm change is great news for mobile marketers but worthless unless they optimise the user journey to convert traffic into revenue. Read More

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