Webpresence submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Websites can take months to build, be expensive and potentially out-of-date when they go live. Growth-Driven Design when complemented with an inbound strategy can be a great way to continually improve your site and get better results. Read More
Facebook is changing its news feed algorithm to improve the social experience. For brands, that can be bad news, especially for small businesses who use Facebook for themselves. Here's what the changes mean for you and how you can work them to your advantage. Read More
We think personalisation will be key to brands' success over the course of 2018. If you're looking to grow your business too, we think it's essential to also focus on these five other marketing techniques. Read More
With 2018 approaching we take a look back at some predictions that were made for 2017 (including the death of local SEO) and how they were wide of the mark. Read More
Apple is the standard-bearer in creative business practices. It's easier than you think, though, if you're looking to replicate their success. Here's how.
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Many wonder how to improve their online sales and rank higher in search engines. In marketing, less is more when it comes to improving website authority.
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You may have taken a peek at Google Analytics before yourself – its basic metrics are great for seeing how many people have visited your website, isn’t it?

Google Analytics offers so much more than that information, though.

Businesses are able to use Google’s tools to imp Read More

Get Better Audience Insights With These 4 Simple Tips

Avatar Posted by Webpresence under Marketing
From http://www.webpresence.tv 2474 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on October 19, 2017 8:15 am
The better you know your audience, the faster you can respond and the quicker your business will grow. Here are some tips on collecting customer insights. Read More
Mobile-friendly websites are a must, but it's hard to convert sales on smaller devices. Here are 5 tips to unlocking your mobile sites' sales potential. Read More
Got a lot of traffic coming to your website but sales are low? No need to panic; you may just need to better optimise your sales funnel. Here's how. Read More

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