Wishpond submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Blogging for Business: Target Markets - The Wishpond Blog

Avatar Posted by Wishpond under Social Media
From http://blog.wishpond.com 4113 days ago
Made Hot by: AmyJordan on April 23, 2013 5:19 pm
Blogging for Business: Target Markets This article is part two of a ten part series by Wishpond. We explore the business benefits of blogging, and how it can help your online marketing efforts. Like... Read More

6 Social Contest Ideas and Examples - The Wishpond Blog

Avatar Posted by Wishpond under Social Media
From http://blog.wishpond.com 4113 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on April 29, 2013 3:10 pm
6 Social Contest Ideas and Examples Social Contests are a great way to increase engagement, reach, followers and leads. You can run social contests on a variety of platforms such as Facebook, Twitter,... Read More
Zappos: 5 Social Marketing Tips to Learn As part of our ongoing commitment to making retailers into the best online marketers they can be, at Wishpond, we recently conducted a series of case studies... Read More
The Role of Social Media in Niche Marketing What do golf clubs, Japanese animation, and tattoo parlors have in common? These items are not being advertised towards the general population, but for a... Read More
Boost Traffic with Localized SEO (Photo Source) From Google to Your Storefront Local search engines are powerful tools for directing customers to your brick-and-mortar store, but they’re only as... Read More
How to Run a Sweepstakes Contest on Twitter Sweepstakes Contests on Twitter are an easy way to engage followers, get new followers, and capture new leads for your business. It’s a method of enticing... Read More
While browsing the company website I came upon a page that shares the standards and philosophies that Skooba lives by. The list is the company’s variation on a mission statement and is made up of ten core values. Read More
More than 1 billion people take part in Earth Day each year. This annual movement is about taking action to protect the planet we live on. On April... Read More
60+ Facebook Marketing Techniques for Businesses Check out this great infographic from SocialMediaOnlineClasses.com which shows 64 techniques for marketing your business on Facebook. It gives a quick... Read More

4 Reasons Why Blogging is Important for your Business

Avatar Posted by Wishpond under Social Media
From http://blog.wishpond.com 4123 days ago
Made Hot by: DigiTechBlog on April 16, 2013 5:08 pm
4 Reasons Why Blogging is Important for your Business There is some debate out there as to whether blogging is still relevant in today’s social media marketing environment. Regardless if you are a... Read More

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