Adamjayc submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Have you ever found yourself working endlessly on a WordPress theme and/or paying hundreds of dollars to a developer to customize it for you? And when the time comes to change that theme, all your past work flows down the river?

I've been there my friend and it's not very pleasant.... Read More
"Have you ever published a blog post that just flat lined?

You put everything you have into your post, publish it, then promote the post as much as possible and wait for the hordes of raving fans to comment.

You wait and wait, but still nothing.

Then a few comments trickle through but you’ Read More
There is a problem with how we look at traffic generation.

We have things backwards.

We get so focused on how we need to drive traffic to our blog that we miss out something that hinders our future success.

But, when we switch our focus to this crucial step which we have been missing, we c Read More
Google+ is a platform that presents a valuable opportunity for your business.

Here’s why…

Last year, Google+ passed Twitter and is now the second largest social network.

Not only that but it’s easier to grow a following on Google+ than on any other social network.

And with Facebook’s or Read More
The last time I checked, humans had an attention span of less than that of a goldfish.

We were sitting at a lousy 8 seconds with the fish being more capable of focusing for a good long 9 seconds.

Humans are wired for visuals. Facebook was smart to get that in 2011 and launch their Timeline fe Read More

How To Get More Social Shares – 7 Quick Blog Tweaks

Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From 3687 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on August 11, 2014 9:28 am
You have a blog and you have great content.

You are getting some traffic, but you could be getting more if your content was getting shared.

I’ve faced the exact same problem and it’s frustrating.

But, then I made several tweaks to my blog and managed to get more and more of my readers to s Read More
Selling advertising is one of the most effective ways to generate money from your website.

But, the problem is that they’re difficult to manage.

And you either have to display AdSense and get a painfully low amount of money in exchange for your traffic.

Or, you have to pay an ad network co Read More

8 Powerful Influencer Research Tools That Get Results

Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From 3693 days ago
Made Hot by: marketingvalue on August 8, 2014 12:02 pm
"There are people in your niche that have influence over your target audience.

You can leverage that influence to grow your own blog, increase your traffic and your authority.

But first you need to know who these influencers are.

You could hop from social network to social network, doing m Read More
67% of your audience considers clear, detailed images to carry more weight than product information or customer ratings.

Smart marketers, educators and small business owners all around the globe are using visuals to make their message more effective and engaging. Read More

5 Ways To Ensure Your New Blog Gains Traction Fast

Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From 3701 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on July 24, 2014 6:59 am
The majority of blogs launch and it takes a long time to cut through the noise. Months after launching and you’ve only managed to garner a handful of readers.

That’s the exact problem that I had when my first few blogs launched, I felt the frustration caused by my base of readers growing incredi Read More

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