Alleliaspili submitted the following stories to BizSugar

There are only two things that are sure in this world - death and taxes. We list 10 tax experts in the forms of agencies, accounting companies, IRS experts and tax gurus that you must follow on Twitter now - because what better way to keep abreast with information than social media? Read More
Small businesses fail to realize how important data is to them. Any data is valuable to a business and how to manage them properly to benefit your company is essential to your growth and success. It also doesn’t need to be as complicated as Big Data. We outline 5 data management tips for small busi Read More

Do You Really Understand Your Market?

Do You Really Understand Your Market?  - Avatar Posted by alleliaspili under Marketing
From 3571 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on September 7, 2014 7:59 pm
In between having a light bulb moment for great business idea and launching your business, there is a process that when done right, ensures your success. This is called market research. Do you really understand your market? Here’s how to find out if your business idea is viable. Read More
Accounting errors are bound to happen from time to time, but the severity and frequency of occurrence can be avoided with proper planning and preparation. Knowing how to ease your accounting woes will help you correct them early on, saving you time, money and the unwanted stress and giving you the Read More
It is true that it’s better to invest on customer loyalty than to acquire new customers. Experts say that loyal customers spend more, advertise your product or service for free, and amp up your brand. The challenge, though, is turning new customers to repeat customers and customer service plays a b Read More
The advent of social media ushered in the #hashtag era. You see it used in almost every Facebook status, Tweet and even Instagram post. And if you have seen it Read More
Keeping customer service agents excited, inspired, and engaged spell the difference between delivering a positive customer experience from a negative one. Customer service is no easy task. There’s no denying the importance of customer service. It is important to motivate your customer service agen Read More
Technology has made it possible for breakthroughs in research and medicine to happen at a very fast rate. We have had more innovations in information gathering, research, treatments and communication between patients and the healthcare providers in the past decades than ever before. We came up with Read More
Here are 6 tips for small businesses to better manage their finances. There will always be ways to ease your finance and accounting woes! Read and download the slides here. Read More
Know how well your business performs by evaluating your customer service. Here are some checklists to help you realize how well (or bad) you do. Read More

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