Ben_london submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Invoicing can be time-consuming and overwhelming. Having your invoices stored online in Google Drive can save you all the hassle and it's a perfect solution for small businesses or freelancers. Check these blank Google Docs and Sheets invoice templates by InvoiceBerry. Read More
PDF is one of the most popular formats as it can be easily shared online, printed or edited. Check out these free PDF invoice templates as they are a great choice especially if you're sending many invoices and bills to your clients. Read More
Word is one of the most popular applications for any number of uses, including invoicing. Check out InvoiceBerry's free Word invoice templates and don't lose your precious time creating invoices on your own. Read More
If you just launched a start-up, one of the best things you can do to attract new customers is to send out branded promotional gifts. Here's a list of freebies you could give away to build your brand and presence. Read More
QuickBooks is one of the most popular small business accounting solutions in the market. But it’s not perfect for every small business owner. Check out QuickBooks alternatives available on the market that may be more suitable for you. Read More
Late invoicing, miscalculations, delayed payments, and even non-payments are the most common invoicing mistakes that can cause business owners to want to pull out their hair. Here are 6 steps to better invoicing and successful business. Read More
During the pandemic, technological applications as well as initiatives, are becoming more and more popular. Check out some of the best technologies used to help during this pandemic. Read More
It is essential for your website to choose the right domain name for it. A unique and original website name can help you create your online presence. Here are 11 things to consider when buying a domain name Read More
A website could very well be the first line of contact between a potential customer and your business. Check out some words of wisdom to help boost your website traffic. Read More
Would you like to outsource some tasks in your small business but you’re not sure which ones?
Check out our monthly roundup post to find out more about outsourcing tasks and other tips for small business owners. Read More

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