Beth02 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

If you are podcasting, it is important to have a website or blog space where you can regularly post your content. However, you do not need to type your podcasts into blog posts. There is an easier way of doing things: recording! Read More
The internet has made the world a global village and opened up foreign markets for businesses. As a result, many brands have globalized their products in a bid to attract customers from foreign markets. With global expansion comes the need for language translation services. Read More
Although localization and internationalization are often referred to in similar contexts, they are different. Business localization, or l10n, is adapting a product or the contents of a document to fit the language and culture of a targeted market.  Read More
Although computers and smartphones dominate our lives, some people still prefer the old way of taking notes using pen and paper.

Taking notes by hand makes it easier for you to retain information. Moreover, you can easily express your thoughts using handwritten words and characters. Read More
Website localization has been a crucial element for the companies who are dealing in online services and expanding their business in foreign markets. More than 25% of internet users speak English. This may explain why more than half of the websites online are in the English language. Through the ar Read More
Hosting a conference? If so, you should consider transcribing the content presented by the keynote speakers.  Most conferences record presentations as video or audio for historical purposes. But what about transcribing the content? Failing to convert the content to text makes firms miss valuable op Read More
You may be wondering, is there is a relationship between transcription and translation? The answer is yes. Before we get into the similarities between these two business activities, let’s look at their definitions. Read More
Businesses with a plan for global expansion are including translation services in their checklist with high priority. Businesses understand the importance of translation services in increasing their outreach, driven by a translation firm. Translation services serve you with a high range of sub-serv Read More
Transcription is an integral part of qualitative research. However, many students either completely dismiss interview transcription or they have their interview transcribed by their friends and colleagues Read More
Transcribing multimedia content into textual format proves to be a gold mine for SEO, and this will help you increase the traffic to your website, and leads, and ultimately, increase your bottom line revenue. Read More

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