Bigmoneyweb submitted the following stories to BizSugar

There’s no doubt about it. Social media has transformed the way small businesses market to their target audiences and interact with customers.

But the elephant in the room has always been the amount of time you must invest to do social media right.

Fortunately, you can save time on social med Read More
Have you tried to hire and work with a VA in the past only to have it fail? I have many times! Here are the main reasons that working with a virtual team member fails, at least from my experience.

Based on talking with other people I believe others have struggled with similar problems.

Many o Read More
The question of how many backlinks do I need to rank #1 in Google is one that no one can answer. However, today I can share exactly how many I needed to rank #1 for a website of mine. Plus I can share where I got the links from and the results others have had using the same source for backlinks. Read More
How often do you deal with broken links on your blog? How important do you feel they are to remove? My last scan really pissed me off. Read More
With Google’s latest update a lot of sites were punished for things that were out of their control. What are your thoughts about the dofollow/nofollow issue? Read More
Facebook is out to fight spam that has gradually moved to the social media site. News Feed spam, will get you hammered by Facebook! Read More
Why do many bloggers fail to make money from their blogs? Why are many today abandoning their blogs? In this post you'll answers to these questions. Read More
Do you really want to build a profitable online business with the help of content? Then read this post. Read More

How to Increase the Traffic to Your Blog with Google Plus

Avatar Posted by bigmoneyweb under Strategy
From 3749 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on April 28, 2014 3:17 pm
Have you tried to get more traffic with Google plus in the past? Here is how to use it to increase traffic today. Read More

How You Can Become A Blogging Rock Star

Avatar Posted by bigmoneyweb under Online Marketing
From 3749 days ago
Made Hot by: steefen on April 28, 2014 3:18 pm
I know this is the year you’re eager to become a blogging rock star right! Do you have a plan? Do you need some advice? Well here you go. Read More

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