Creatingawebstore submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Google shopping was once a great place to attract shoppers for free, but recently, Google decided to start charging a PPC fee. With the holidays being just around the corner, this has had a negative impact on many businesses.

Fortunately for us, there are 6 great free Read More
Are you mainly focusing on Google search for traffic?

Well, have you considered Bing? This article goes over Bing's major ranking factors and helps you decide which traffic is easier to get (Bing's or Google's). Read More
Here is a list of of the 9 most popular open source shopping cart software. This article covers standalone ecommerce solutions as well as add-ons for popular CMS such as Wordpress, Joomla and Drupal. Read More
What features does your store really need?

Since no 2 businesses are alike, this article helps people evaluate ecommerce solutions based on specific needs. Read More

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